Quantum Theory and Nuclear Physics
The science dealing with the properties and interactions of matter and energy, i.e., physics concerns itself with atomic structure among other things. The atom, the ether and electricity were firmly entrenched in the minds of physicists at the beginning of nineteenth century, but with the discovery of x-rays and a, B,y-rays the domain of optics, nuclear physics and astrophysics has grown tremendously explaining hitherto unexplained phenomena and making newer and newer discoveries. What these aspects and developments are, is the domain of present book. “Quantum Theory and Nuclear Physics†brings to the fore discover, concepts, theories, features and applications of the x-rays at the outset and explains in detail Bohr’s theory of spectra, quantum theory, critical potential of atom, radioactivity and isotopes. In addition, the book elucidates on various aspects of nuclear physics, nuclear fission cosmic rays and astrophysics. Entire matter in the book is explained in easy to understand way along with numerous diagrams. The book will be of immense utility to students, teachers, scholars, physicists and general readers.
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