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Introduction to Philosophy

Oswald Kulpe (Author)
Synopsis That the need of an Introduction to Philosophy was felt in the past is shown by the record of systematic lectures and the existence of books upon the subject. There is, however, at the present time a curious dearth of books, whether elementary outlines or advanced treatises, to be used as supplementary to oral teaching. Thus we have nothing that can compare for practical value with the Einleitung in die Philosophie, by Johann Georg Walch, 1727, which treated in three books of philosophy and philosophical knowledge in general, of the special philosophical disciplines, and of the philosophical mysteries, and gave its readers much historical information and numerous literacy references. This work presents a comprehensive and detailed picture not only of the condition of philosophical thought at a particular time, but also of the history of philosophy at large.
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Bibliographic information

Title Introduction to Philosophy
Author Oswald Kulpe
Format Hardcover
Date published: 13.01.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8180901513
length 268p., Index; 23cm.