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Industrial Relations in Rural Industry

Shalini Goel (Author)
Synopsis Gandhiji had immense faith in the goodness of man and he believed that many of the evils of the modern world have been brought about by wrong systems and not by wrong individuals. He insisted on recognizing each individual worker as human being. He believed in non-violent industrial relations. These industrial units are mostly located in rural areas and provide employment to rural workforce at their crucial time. Khandsari units are crushing about thirty five per cent of total sugarcane in our economy. Industrial relations in Khandsari industry looks at changes in industrial relation practices over the last three decades with focus on how they have envolved in the post-liberalisation era. This book is intended to cater to needs of academicians, policy makers and researchers. Existing literature on this subject is either lopsided or sketchy, therefore, an attempt has been made to present a perspective of the rural industry to develop a correct perception about it.
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Bibliographic information

Title Industrial Relations in Rural Industry
Author Shalini Goel
Format Hardcover
Date published: 12.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8189652257
length viii+118p.