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English Usage

Lopa Sanyal (Author)
Synopsis This volume is an attempt to provide knowledge of English usage and grammar in a systematic and lucid manner. Starting from the origin of English language and its classification, it covers phonetics, inflections, syntax and general grammar like sentences, clauses and much more. The first usage problem among English speaker is the correct pronunciation of words, which is adequately dealt in this volume. A concise account of the phonology and inflexions of the English language is also covered. The main aim of this book is to cover the development of the language and its usage so that a student can have the knowledge of structures of language and its use. This volume combines satisfactory accomplishment of these various ends with clearness, adequate accuracy and fullness of details.
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Bibliographic information

Title English Usage
Author Lopa Sanyal
Format Hardcover
Date published: 12.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8184110308
length vi+322p.