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Encyclopaedia of Sex Psychology (In 6 Volumes)

Havelock Ellis (Author)
Synopsis Sex lies at the root of life and proper reverence to life demands understanding of phenomenon of sex. Theologians, inspite of the fact that they are not competent to deal with the subject of sex, have discussed sex as the central problem of life. They have, invariably, recommended the Path of Suppression of the sex, which, when followed, ultimately led to un-natural and unwholesome basis of asceticism for the simple reason that in the act of Suppression Sex gets perverted. The physicians have also expressed their concern as regard to sex. They have collected facts about Sex from the lives of abnormal people. Their studies being limited in scope hardly reveal any result about healthy sex. Havelock Ellis, the author of Encyclopedia of Sex Psychology has presented his results from psychological point of view, based on facts taken from the life of both the normal and abnormal person and, hence, has an edge over the physician and theologian. Havelock Ellis also regards sex as the central problem of life, but, he 'wants to know what is naturally lawful under the various sexual chances that may befall man, not as the born child of sin, but as a naturally social animal'. Studies in the psychology of sex are spread over to six volumes. Volume one deals with i. The Evolution of Modesty, ii. The phenomena of Sexual Periodicity, and iii. Auto-Erotism, Volume two discusses the issues concerning Sexual Inversions. The Analysis of the Sexual Impulse is the subject of volume three. Volume four presents an analysis of Sexual Selection In Man. An entire attention is focussed on i. Erotic Symbolism and ii. The Mechanism of Detumescene and the Psychic State in Pregnancy in volume five. And volume six covers a very complex problem of Sex in Relation to Society.
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Bibliographic information

Title Encyclopaedia of Sex Psychology (In 6 Volumes)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1988
Edition Reprint
Publisher Sundeep Prakashan
Language: English
isbn 8185066426
length xv+355p., xi+391p., x+285p., xii+353p., xi+270p., xvi+656p., Index; 23cm.