Encyclopaedia of Reference: Human Life and Wisdom (In 2 Volumes)
The present voluminous compilation "Encyclopaedia of References : Human Life and Wisdom" consists of one of the most precious intellectual endevour to treasure all the possible references on the vast, rich, diverse, deep, divine, elusive, complex and mysterious dimensions of human life and wisdom. As Life has been a fascinating and, most often, eluding puzzle-box and knowledge, a grand exercise into transferring, the mines of valuable reflections from one generation to another, the Author, aware of the nobility of purpose and immensity of the task, has put the years of toil and care with a missonary zeal to collect, scan and cull the flowers of intellect of all the indispensable Cultural Gaurdians of civilisation and culture from the earliest-time, finally, to bring out this rare collection of wisdom of all ages and all nations. A systematic record of reflections of reat seers, philosophers, scientists, statesmen, thinkers, poets, writers, observers, theologians and the likes on the Temporal and Eternal, Rational and Existential, Common and Transcendental aspects of Life and Reality definitely illumines the Path of man, surrounded in a Cob-Wab of relations, and Seeking a beacon to cultivate, enrich, enlighten and ennoble his mind and soul. The present collection attempts precisely to serve this deep invisible, spiritual and intellectual hunger of a man and the society at large. The various authors whose sentiments are embodied herein to illustrate nearly all the principal phases of divine goodness, of moral wisdom, of benevolence, of virtue and of political or personal prudence; which are like certain truths, constantly operating in the world, as unchangeable as the laws of Nature alike palpable in all ages, the same now as they were at the begining and will be to the end of the world. These impressive moral truths that find their due place in the pensive and graceful petrarch, in the writings of the sublime Dante and the elegant Cervantes, in the lively La Bruyre, in the sarcastic Rochefoucauld, in the productions of Rousseau, of Lavater, of Franklins, of shakspeare, of Pope, of Swift, of Criyle, of Dickens, of Longfellow, of Macaulay, of Sigoumey, of Tennyson, of Thackeray and the likes are arranged as such to correspond to the alphabetically categorised abstractions of the dynamics of life embracing Fellings, Emotions, Experiences and Revelations, under different Heads and Sub-heads. Such arrangement enables the reader to have an easy indentification of his requirements and a quick and convenient access to the corresponding Reference material. It is different, in this respect, from the general Dictionary of quotations wherein it is found that the selections intended to illustrate a subject are jumbled together in promiscuous confusion.
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