A-In-I Akbari (In 3 Volumes)
It is a Persian treatise in three volumes composed by Abul Fazl, the minister of the Mughal Emperor Akbar and entitled the A-in-i-Akbari or the Institute of Akbar. Abul Fazl, putting himself at the head of a body of scholars undertook geographical, physical and historical description of the empire, accompanied by statistical data. Each of the sixteen Subhas or governments of which the Mughal empire was then composed, is there described with minute exactitude; the geographical and relative situation of the cities and market places, towns is there indicated; the enumeration of the natural and industrial products is carefully traced there, as also the names of the princes, both Hindu and Muslim, to whom the Subha had been subject before its inclusion in the empire You will also find an exhibition of the military condition of the empire and an enumeration of those who formed the households of the sovereign. The work ends in a summery, made in general from indigenous sources, of the Brahmanic religion, of the diverse systems of Hindu philosophy.
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