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Encyclopaedia of Great Events, Places and Personalities (In 3 Volumes)

B.B. Woodward (Author) William L.R. Cates (Author)
Synopsis The present voluminous work "Encyclopaedia of Great Events, Places and Personalities" encompasses in its vast ambit the dates of events of rise and fall of states, changes in the fortunes of nations, alliances, wars, battles, sieges, treaties of peace, proclamations of independence, geographical discoveries, the settlement of colonies and their subsequent dynamics, scientific inventions and improvements thereupon in the fields_social, mechanical, domestic and economic. It also throws adequate light on eminent personalities and leading incidents of their lives_their principal works of distinction and other informations. It covers the broadest possible landscape of the world and attempts in most methodical manner with the highest precision to feed all the necessary informations required to evoke a comprehensive historical sense in the mind of the reader. Nothing big or small in the historical parlance has escaped the all attentive, probing eyes of the author who has put years of toil and care to collect, scan and arrange alphabetically all the much needed informations to produce an authentic Book of Reference. As a part of typographical devices meant for the convenience of the user, the subject matter of big articles extending over several pages are broken up and distributed under as many particular titles as seemed possible. To avoid useless repetitions, under the names of the great states, merely the outlines of their history with the list of kings are mentioned leaving the particular events to be inserted under their familiar titles. But under the names of states of smaller historical significance, all the events connected with them are placed. Similarly, separate titles have been devoted to the rulers of greater states while mention has been made to smaller ones accordingly to their personal and political importance. It has been done to avoid the inclusion of names unfamiliar to or completely unknown to general masses. Mythical names and stories are either omitted or expressly indicated as such and where only probability can be asserted of any date, a note of interrogation is added. In the cases where, the name of place and erson is common the name of place precedes that of person, names of sovereigns precede other personal names, incidents of general history precede the councils, treaties, conferences, etc. bearing the names of the towns in which they were held, incidents of the lives of eminent men precede the list of their works and where a numerous series of connected events is contained in a few years, those of each year are arranged in separate paragraphs, headed by their general date. Finally, in all the cases, the most accurate date which could be ascertained is given. But, as the dates of events, often, turnout to be varying in accordance with the versions of different claimants, the author obsessed with objectivity and aware of the need of the researcher, that of comparing and estimating the value of contradictory dates or of discovering the grounds on which they have been adopted, has taken enough pain and care to procure all the possible dates and their respective claimants of each such incident or event to insert them alphabetically wrth the titles as an additional information. The present monumental work, thus, serves the long-felt need of a vast range of scholars who were devoid of such a treasure-house as could give authoritatively a brief description of nearly all the events, places and personalities finding place in world history. It is equally good for both a common reader to have a glimpse of world history and a researcher to plunge into an indept study.
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Bibliographic information

Title Encyclopaedia of Great Events, Places and Personalities (In 3 Volumes)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1993
Edition Reprint
Publisher Sundeep Prakashan
Language: English
isbn 8185066574
length viii+563p., viii+564-1051p., viii+1052-1486p., 26cm.