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Indus Civilization in Saurashtra

Gregory L. Possehl (Author)
Synopsis The Indus Civilization in Saurashtra explores the nature of ancient India’s first urban culture inGujarat. The mataerial on which this books is based was derived from Dr. Possehl’s research program in this region and the Appendices accompanying the text provide complete coverage of his data. One of the contributions this work seeks to make is a more complete understanding of the important Harappan site of Lothal to the south-west of Ahmedabad. An original hypothesis is developed in this regard which should be of interest to ancient historians and arcaeologists aloke. This discussion, plus the broader approach to the protohistoric archaeology of Gujarat, provide the student of the anciend world with a new insight into the character of the Indus Civilization in its couthwestern domain.
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About the author

Gregory L. Possehl

Dr. Gregory L. Possehl is Assistant Curator of South Asian Archaeology in the University Museum at the University of Pennsylvania and an Assistant Porofessor in this University’s Department of South Asia regional Studies. He has undertaken archaeological field work in Egypt, Afghanistan, Baluchistan and India as well as the United States. He was education as an Anthropologist at the University of Washington and the University of Chicago where he received his Ph. D in 1974. Dr. Possehl’s interests in archaeology center on the character of prehistoric adaptation especially the nature off food producing subsistence systems. He has written widely on this and related topics for periodicals in both the United Stes and India. In addition to the Indus Civilization in Saurashtra Dr. Possehl has published Ancient Cities of the Indus and KULLI: Trade and the Emerrgence of Urbanization in the Indus Valley as well as The Ecological Backgrounds of South Asian Prehistory, which he edited with Dr. Kenneth A.R. Kennedy.

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Bibliographic information

Title Indus Civilization in Saurashtra
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1980
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length xx+264p., Figures; Tables; References; Abbreviations; Appendices; Bibliography; Inde; 29cm.