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Indian Alchemy or Rasayana: In the Light of Asceticism and Geriatrics

S Mahdihassan (Author)
Synopsis In Indian Alchemy Dr. Mahdihassan attempts to elucidate the point that Alchemy is a science through which the higher states of being reveal themselves with the matrix of spatio-temporal world. It is a science that is directly related to temporal levels of the universal hierarchy which is totally beyond the reach of any of the profane methods employed during the past century. It is this perspective which Dr. Mahdihassan applied to his study of Rasayana, which he sees essentially as geriatrics and closely bound to the life of ascetics in the wilderness and elderly people left by themselves in remote places. It brings a great deal of learning providing material that is fresh and is available for the first time.
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Bibliographic information

Title Indian Alchemy or Rasayana: In the Light of Asceticism and Geriatrics
Author S Mahdihassan
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2002
Edition Reprint.
Language: English
isbn 812080788X, 9788120807884
length xx+147p., Figures; Notes; Bibliography.