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Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Margaret Lucy Tyler (Author)
Synopsis 125 remedy pictures are portrayed with quotations from Hahnemann, T.F. Allen, Hering, Burnett, Farrington, Kent, and Clarke, others, as well as Tyler's own experience. For every medicine Tyler presents valuable background information, including history of use and preparation, and often compares each remedy with one (or more) closely similar remedies. "Black letter symptoms" denote remedy characteristics; other listed symptoms may relate to organ affinities or clinical usefulness. Tyler's remedy differentials are quite useful and very carefully described. Tyler's liberal inclusion of cases, articles, and letters from multiple sources enriches the picture of the remedies and gives this work an encyclopedic scope. Her writing style makes the study of remedies easy and satisfying.
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About the author

Margaret Lucy Tyler

Dr. Margaret Lucy Tyler was a graduate of both Edinburgh and Brussels Universities. She worked at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital for forty years. Her specialty was in treating the mentally backward children. Tyler was a close associate of J.H. Clarke. She used the money, given by her father, Sir Henry Tyler, to fund a Physician' Scholarship to go to Chicago to study with Kent. She wrote Homoeopathic Drug Pictures, which was first published in 1942. She also wrote The Correspondence Course on Homoeopathy. It was designed for those who could not attend the lectures at the Faculty of Homoeopathy in person. She died on the 21st of June, 1943 at age of 86.

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Bibliographic information

Title Homeopathic Drug Pictures
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition Reprint
Language: English
isbn 8170211638
length xiv+1070p., 22cm.