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Born to Win

Joginder Singh (Author)
Synopsis We got independence not yesterday but a long long time ago. Once upon a time the British ruled us. Today the bureaucrats and politicians are the custodians of our well-being. The author has spent almost four decades of his life as a part of a stagnant system. This book is a narrative of a few days of his post-retirement life. He has allowed the dust and the rust of politics merely a superficial touch on his being. The subconscious depths, the absence of fear, having convictions and also the strength to stand by them perhaps were a few of his personality traits which could prevent the unconscious daily accretion of self destructive corrosion. Every individual is a unit. Ten units join to form ‘tens’. Ten ‘tens’ make a ‘hundred’ and a hundred ‘hundreds’ a ‘thousand’…. a population emerges…. but the fundamental unit is still one individual. If the author being just one such unit could withstand the negative charges of the political and administrative pressures, why cannot we, in our unit capacities, stand against our visionless selfish custodians? His experiences and reflections provide an insight into the inside of our hollow governing system. The author, in his typical lucid, amusing but informative, direct manner, has penned down the X-ray of our political leaders and administration. The diagnosis is precise. Both the prevention and cure are in our hands. He has provided a stimulus but would we respond from our deep slumber?
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About the author

Joginder Singh

Joginder Singh has been a celebrated Indian Police Service Officer. He retired as distinguished career from 1961 to 1997 His father, late Mahant Kartar Singh was the biggest “ Positive Thinker” according to him. Mr Singh is a well known columnist to several newspapers, writer, thinker and stylist. He has authored 35 books, so far, with many more in the pipeline. Some of his books have been translated in other Indian languages, also one in Bhasha Indonesia. He is in great demand, both as an author, and a motivational speaker, as ten of his self development. His columns appear regularly both in national and regional dailies in English and vernacular languages. Dimension of his learning and many facts of his personality are reflected in all his writings.

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Bibliographic information

Title Born to Win
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Kaveri Books
Language: English
isbn 8174790551
length xviii+302p., Index; 23cm.