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Women's Health in India, Risk and Vuniverability

Monica Das Gupta (Editor)
Synopsis "Despite the surge of interest in gender issues, the question of women's health in India has received very little attention. This volume is structured to take a holistic view, looking at the health of women from childhood to old age, thereby identifying those points of the life-cycle at which women are most vulnerable and the sources of such vulnerability. Investigating and documenting sex differentials in infant and child mortality rates, and their relation to sociocultural and economic factors, the nature and extent of health risks in the reproductive years, as well as the situation of older women, this volume prepares the ground for further research in this once neglected field."
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Bibliographic information

Title Women's Health in India, Risk and Vuniverability
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1998
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 0195644557
length xvi+320p., Index; 22cm.