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Children and Literature

Shubha Tiwari (Editor)
Synopsis Publishing of Books is a mark of growth of a particular society. The types and topics of books are a sure indicator of development of sensitivity in a given society. Books that sell ought to be brought out but books that express offstage concerns should also be given place. The present venture takes into consideration the twofold subject of children’s literature and children in literature. It is of interest to those who wish to explore the recesses from where the adult behaviour emanates. It presents many less verbalized realities of childhood, its beauty, joy as well as challenges. Many papers bring out thinking of a society that shapes children and their world. Some papers take into stock the popular trends in children’s literature. Overall the book Children and Literature is a tribute to the truly inspiring phenomenon of childhood.
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About the author

Shubha Tiwari

Shubha Tiwari, M.A., Ph.D., is a faculty member at the Department of English, A.P.S. University, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. She edits an annual literary magazine Zenith. She has to her credit about twenty-five published research papers. Currently, Dr. Tiwari is working on the learning of English in teh Vindhya region under a major UGC Research Project. Her areas off interest are interdisciplinary approach to the study of Literature, inspirational literature, recent fiction and women’s studies.

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Bibliographic information

Title Children and Literature
Author Shubha Tiwari
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126905832
length viii+151p., References; 23cm.