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Information System and Data Processing Management

N.K. Verma (Author)
Synopsis The term management information systems has many interpretations but it customarily refers to the gathering of accounting, statistical and related information through the use of computers and associated equipment and the summary and display of this information to management. Along with marketing production finance and research management information system has emerged as a major organizational function. Programme planning has been used for some time in the federal government. One must not confused programme planning with project planning. Brand management is more narrow dealing mainly with a very specific product or product line. The design of the information system should contemplate the use of the most detailed coding, programme planning provides new ways to look at a very old problem. Programme planning provides new ways to look at a very old problem. The organization must modify or adapt its structure to match the purpose of its programme.
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About the author

N.K. Verma

N.K. Verma secured his Post-graduation in English literature from university of Delhi and diploma in Journalism from Pune University. At Indian Oil he served as a senior officer and worked in the public relations, operations, sales and marketing departments. He has also delivered lecturer on HR practices at the Andoman College of Economics, university of Andoman.

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Bibliographic information

Title Information System and Data Processing Management
Author N.K. Verma
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Sumit Enterprises
Language: English
isbn 8184200196
length viii+217p., Index; 23cm.