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Women in Developing Countries

Padma Iyer (Author)
Synopsis It is an established fact that women are biologically stronger than their male counterparts enabling them to enjoy a higher life expectancy. This is seen in the statistics of the developed world where the sex differential is nearly seven years. However, in developing countries the health status of women is not so bright and the differential can be as low as two years and sometimes even in the minus. The reason for this is mainly their high rates of morality in childhood and at child-bearing ages. Social customs and tradition places them at a lower level than, males; in some countries they eat only when the men and boys have finished. Female morality rates in some of the developing countries can be higher than 30 to 50 per cent of males. This book discusses the status and living conditions of women in developing countries in all its aspects and dimensions and provides a clear picture of the miseries they have to endure because of their sex.
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About the author

Padma Iyer

Dr. Padma Iyer holds master’s degrees in Sociology and Political Science from Pune University and a doctorate from the university of Bombay, Mumbai. She has taught Sociology for more than thirty years at both college and university levels. She has completed a number of research projects funded by the university Grants Commission (UGC) and the Indian Council of Social science research (ICSSR). She has presented papers at several national and international seminars and also works as a social activist for the welfare and protection of women’s human rights. He major fields of interest and research are women’s empowerment and human rights. She is presently Assistant Director at the Society for development and Upliftment of Women (SDUW), a non-governmental organising (NGO) based in Mumbai for the welfare of women.

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Bibliographic information

Title Women in Developing Countries
Author Padma Iyer
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8179101592
length viii+216p., Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.