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Recent Developments in Analytic Philosophy

R C Pradhan (Author)
Synopsis This book presents a systematic view of the landmark developments in analytic philosophy in the twentieth century. It highlights the development of the concepts such as language, meaning truth, reference, necessity, analyticity, etc. which have been central to analytic philosophy. The author has attempted to bring out the issues of analytic philosophy in a systematic and coherent fashion. Analytic philosophy, inspite of the appearance to the contrary, is a systematic philosophy with a built-in metaphysics of man and the univers. The book will be of interest to the general students as well as the specialists of philosophy working in the areas of language and meaning.
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Bibliographic information

Title Recent Developments in Analytic Philosophy
Author R C Pradhan
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2001
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 818563646x
length 286p.