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Financial Administration and Management

Raimann Pattanayak (Editor)
Synopsis The present compilation of articles, papers, excerpts and notes is intended as supplementary reading material for students and scholars of public administration. The various courses conducted by public administration institutions at the Central and State levels too have been considered in respect of their syllabus, courses contents and requirements. Thus the material presented here would be of interest as well as great use to aspirants of the Central and State level commission services. The attempt has been to draw material from as wide a range of national and international sources as possible. The compilation deals with the modern context of public administration, local government administration and reform initiatives, financial management and accountability in public administration, the structure of administration and the development dynamics and country experiences with institutions and organizations for improving administrative performance and efficiency. The book elaborately discusses some vital issues like-National Budget and financial Administration; Public Administration and Political Power in Economic Planning; Inter-Governmental Fiscal Relationships in the United States; Local Authority Budgeting in Iran; Municipal Body Finances in Pakistan; regional Financial Management in Turkey; Financial Planning in Public Services; Remuneration of Civil Servants; Finance Administration Data Management etc.
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About the author

Raimann Pattanayak

Dr. Raimann Pattanayak earned his doctorate in public Administration from the University of North Bengal. His tenure as a Visiting Professor at the Hull School of Public Administration during 1968-70 and association with a Leeds University research project on local administration (1973), along with over 25 in-depth papers presented at seminars and conferences in India and European countries have earned him a place of distinction in the academic circles in India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Financial Administration and Management
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788170419563
length viii+281p., 22cm.