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Aged in India: The Struggle to Survive (In 2 Volumes)

J.P. Yadav (Editor)
Synopsis Gerontologists study how older people are treated within a society and how the elderly deal with the inevitable problems of aging, particularly those involving health and income. Health problems include normal losses in hearing, eyesight, and memory and the increased likelihood of chronic diseases. These losses are gradual and proceed at different rates for each individual. Many people do not experience declines until very old age, and the great majority of the elderly learn to adapt to the limitations imposed by health problems. In general, the health of older people today is superior to that of previous generations, a conditions that is likely to improve still further as more people receive better medical care throughout their lives. Although both the elderly and their children express a strong preference for independent residence, most old people live within a few hours of one of their children. Members of different generations often visit one another and provide help in emergencies. Few elderly parents are abandoned or neglected by their children. Social relationships may be difficult to maintain in old age because of health limitations, death of family members and friends, loss of workmates, and lack of transportation. Still, the majority of old people are deeply involved in friendships and family, and many find companionship at special senior centres.
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Bibliographic information

Title Aged in India: The Struggle to Survive (In 2 Volumes)
Author J.P. Yadav
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126119713
length viii+276p.; viii+277-545p., 25cm.