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Satellite in Education

Madhu Parhar (Author)
Synopsis Knowledge in satellite based education are strewn all over the world including India. This book is the maiden effort in constructing a critical knowledge base on satellite based education by bringing together the bits and bytes of relevant knowledge. It covers history of satellite, policies and programmes on educational technology in general and satellite based education in particular, educational, international experience, and research in educational media, and a brief introduction to EDUSAT. Authored by a competent professional with years of experience in research in educational media, and open and distance education, this book is a unique contribution to the professional literature in this field. Students of educational media, teachers and researchers may benefit from this book.
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About the author

Madhu Parhar

Dr. Madhu Parhar, reader in STRIDE in IGNOU, New Delhi, is a specialist researcher in educational technology and media. She has made significant contribution to the professional literature in this field. Her papers have appeared, among others in British Journal of Educational Technology, IJOL, media an Technology for Human Resource development, etc. Among her major contributions are Open and Distance Education, Indian Education: Development since Independence, Education India: The Next Millennium, etc.

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Bibliographic information

Title Satellite in Education
Author Madhu Parhar
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8175412674
length 176p., Tables; References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.