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World Tourism in the New Millennium

Sanjeev Gupta (Author)
Synopsis The Scenario of tourism has changed tremendously due to increasing population, international travel, fast means of transport, leisure and pleasure seeking attitude, globalisation and liberlisation policies. This scenario is continuously changing in the information age and what we are assuming and contemplating may become obsolete in next one or two decades. In order to keep themselves competitive and ahead, the leaders in tourism industry must visualize future trends and start preparing themselves to meet expectations of people. Presenting models and techniques for tourism forecasting at the outset, the book “World Tourism in the New Millennium makes elaborate discussion on current and future scenario of tourism in North America, South America, Asia Pacific, Caribbean, Africa, Middle East and Europe. In addition, the book also makes elucidation on ecotourism, ethno-ecotourism, cruising, transport facilities, tourism marketplace, attractions, costal resorts, climate change, public-private partnerships, one-to-one marketing, NTOs, time sharing, tour guiding and various other concepts in tourism in present as well as future perspective. This unique presentation on current and future tourism scenario is a must for students, teachers, tour consultants, tour guides, tourists and general.
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About the author

Sanjeev Gupta

Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, a senior faculty in Apeejay Institute of Management, Jalandhar, is M.A., PGDOR, M. Phil. and Ph.D. He has about a decade’s teaching experience at postgraduate level and has contributed a number of articles in leading journals. His main areas of interest are Applied Economics, Econometrics and Applied Operations Research. He is a life member os several academic and professional association like Indian Economic Association, Indian Society for Agricultural Economics etc. he has been regularly attending and contributing research papers in various seminars, conferences and workshops.

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Bibliographic information

Title World Tourism in the New Millennium
Author Sanjeev Gupta
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher ABD Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8183760392, 9798183760392
length viii+215p., Tables; Figures; Index; 23cm.
Subjects Travel & Tourism