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Growth and Development of Agriculture

Ramniwas Sharma (Editor)
Synopsis Agronomy today is very different from what it was before about 1950. Intensification of agriculture since the 1960s in developed and developing countries, often referred to as the Green Revolution, was closely tied to progress made in selecting and improving crops and animals for high productivity, as well as to developing additional inputs such as artificial fertilizers and phytosanitary products. Modern agriculture depends heavily on engineering and technology and on the biological and physical sciences. Irrigation, drainage, conservation and sanitary engineering, each of which is important in successful farming, are some of the fields requiring the specialized knowledge of agricultural engineers. Agricultural chemistry deals with other vital farming concerns, such as the application of fertilizer, insecticides and fungicides, soil makeup, analysis of agricultural products, and nutritional needs of farm animals. The book has a lucid, expository style. It reviews the various theories over the years to explain why some countries are rich while others are poor. It has been assumed that all human populations have equal mental abilities to adopt modern technologies and to achieve equal levels of economic development.
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Bibliographic information

Title Growth and Development of Agriculture
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1s ed.
Publisher Biotech Books
Language: English
isbn 8176221627
length vi+282p., Figures; Tables.