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Kalpa Cintamanih of Damodara Bhatta

N.N. Sharma (Author)
Synopsis The present book, edited from are manuscript, pertains, to ancient tantric rites which usually come under the head of satkarman (sixfold activities) such as (1) Subjugation of persons, (2) Attraction, (3) Immobili-zation of enemy, (5) Eradication of enemy from home, (6)Pacification of an evil, or release from captivity. To these is added one more dissension (vidvesana) creating division among the ranks t the enemy. The book describes the produre of these activities. Various alternatives. Various alternatives are offered and the aspirant can select any Yantras and mantra are quick in effect. The text and translation are self-explanatory. The aspirant need not approach an adept for guidance. To understand technique, the editor has appended a glossarial Index. He has prefixed and introduction for general guidance. Beside an appendix of 72 Cakras (practical devices) followed by details, the book contains the akasdama cakra which foretells whether the experiment undertaken will come out successful.
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Bibliographic information

Title Kalpa Cintamanih of Damodara Bhatta
Author N.N. Sharma
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8178540789, 9788178540788
length xxii+160p., Figures; Index; 23cm.