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E-Crimes and Remedies

Vasu Deva (Author)
Synopsis Times have changed and we live in a digital age in which e-crimes transported over the computer/internet/www. etc. and use of integrated devices to check them. In order to benefit from the new opportunities arising from information age and knowledge society, India is to be a global player I the field of IT sector and to gain significantly in terms of generation of revenues and employment. The computer/Internet/www’s ability to share data and information linked to telephone has le to a telecommunication revolution. No e-crime is too small, to be ignored, no one can ignore e-crime, if it is not checked effectively and timely, it would lead to destruction of civilization itself. A proper balance is to be drawn in order to ensure that no innocent is punished and need to punish the e-criminals. A legal infrastructure has become imperative to protect Data, Information, Privacy, Intellectual Property Rights, Terrorism, Financial Frauds and Scams, Robberies, etc. The Information Technology Act, 2000 has amended the Indian laws to meet the challenges posed by e-crimes. There is a necessity to have a multi pronged strategy to fight its menance to its logical end. Countries like USA, UK, Germany, Japan, France and India have framed Laws relating to e-crimes. International Cooperation understanding and a positive approach would go a long way to check e-crimes in India and all over the world. This title includes e-crime global perspectives, Nature and Scope, Computer/Internet/www related crimes, Intelligence and Information Systems, Privacy, IPR, Hackers and Crackers, Financial Crimes, Frauds and Robberies, Terrorism and E-crime Remedies.
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About the author

Vasu Deva

Dr. Vasu Deva, Director, Mohta Institute of Management Studies and Research, (ex) Professor Birla Technological Institute and President, Faridabad Management Association. Dr. Vasu Deva has been authoring books on Management and Information Technology throughout the span of his professional career. His books are constant companions of the practicing managers in business and industry. Dr. Deva has been on the Board of Directors of leading organizations, member of various professional bodies and visiting professor. Teaching, training and consultancy are his inherent strengths.

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Bibliographic information

Title E-Crimes and Remedies
Author Vasu Deva
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8171698484
length viii+182p., Figures; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.