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Catfish Soft Anatomy

C.B.L. Srivastava (Author)
Synopsis Catfishes currently are the most sought after group of fishes by researchers drawn from very diverse areas, conventional ones like systematics, palaeontology, zoogeography, anatomy and biology, ecology, behaviour, genetics, gastronomy, fisheries and aquaculture as well as modern R&D like plasma chemistry, cloning, immunocytochemistry and the like. No investigation on catfish is rewarding, be it way area of research, unless their life style and adaptation capabilities are well understood. Understanding the biological significance of the catfish soft anatomy will go a long way in helping us towards this. Unfortunately, catfish soft anatomy remained neglected until recently at the hands of the hard part anatomy (skeletal structures)-the favoured subject of the systematists /taxonomists and palaeontologists. The present review attempts to fulfil this lacuna by unraveling the great wealth of information which remained scattered in the literature, in one place. It is hoped that researchers working the world over on any aspect of catfish will find this updated presentation on catfish soft anatomy a useful resource material in their respective field of interest.
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About the author

C.B.L. Srivastava

Dr. C.B.L. Srivastava, D.Phil., D.Sc., F.N.A.Sc., Emeritus Professor at the University of Allahabad is an internationally renowned veteran ichthyologist of the country. formerly Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology and UGC Emeritus Fellow. Dr. Srivastava at present is the Principal Investigator of a DST (USERS FUND) Project and the Council Member and Member, Editorial Board of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences, India. Dr. Srivastava has travelled far and wide in Europe and has worked in leading laboratories of France, Germany and Switzerland. with over 39 years of teaching experience in Fish Biology, he has guided research work for over a dozen doctoral theses. He worked on several research projects sponsored by the UGC, CSIR and DST. He has published a number of research papers all centred around catfishes, in national and international journals of repute. He was elected Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India and was awarded the U.P. Govt. Education Ministers' Gold Medal. His three earlier books Published on fish Biology, Fishery Science and Aquarium-Fish Keeping have been received with admiration from students and teachers alike in the country and abroad. Dr. Srivastava with his team of research scholars has carried out research work for over 40 years in diverse aspects of fish anatomy and biology-all investigations centred around catfishes.

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Bibliographic information

Title Catfish Soft Anatomy
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Kitab Mahal
Language: English
isbn 8122503802
length v+194p., Figures; Tables; References; Index; 23cm.