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Managerial Rainbow

Anjanai Kumar Malviya (Editor)
Synopsis The book "Managerial Rainbow" is designed for management students, planners, practicing business executives, researchers and academicians who are interested in global perspective of business and behavioural sciences including marketing and human resource development. The primary focus is on the emerging conceptual and applied dimensions of management in the context of global scenario. With this objective in view, the book has been divided into seven sections. The first section covers general management area and contains articles on motivation and leadership. The second section deals with management accounting and in this section papers dealing with acquisition, merger and take-over are given. Marketing management is the theme of the third Section. Emerging areas of marketing like direct marketing, retail banking, consumer behaviour pattern and floriculture marketing have been included. The fourth Section deals with human resource management. Various aspects covering business ethics and human values, emerging relationship with most precious asset and Gandhian Techniques of human resource development are depicted, Growing complexities in management has necessitated drastic changes in management education. Various researches to shape of management education in Universities and other institutions forms the main theme of the fifth Section. The growing complexities of a fast changing global business environment is the crux of near future. Accordingly, the sixth Section contains papers relating to environmental planning and constraints. Emerging issues in Information Technology relating to managerial implications have been highlighted in Section seven. The rainbow approach of this book is the unique feature which is bound to help business scientists, business executives, policy framers and planners and academicians, in planning and evolving strategy for the merging challenges in management education during the decade 2005-2015.
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About the author

Anjanai Kumar Malviya

Dr. Anjani Kumar Malviay, born on July, 2nd 1960 in a Pious family, very closely related to Late Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya at Allahabad, is a Reader, in the Department of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Allahabad, Allahabad. He has obtained the D.Phil, and D.Litt. degrees from University of Allahabad under the able guidance of internationally well known 'Management guru', Prof. G.C. Agarwal, former Head, Dean and Director of MONIRBA and Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Allahabad. Dr. Malviya has published one book entitled "Management of Export Marketing in India" in two volumes. The book has received wide appreciation. He has also published more than a dozen articles/research papers in reputed national journals like Yojana, Indian Journal of Commerce Adhunic Prabandh, Prabandhi and Commerce Journal. His field of interest includes Marketing Management and Human Resource Development. He is currently teaching Human Resource Development in MONIRBA, University of Allahabad. Presently, he is also working on a major research project entitled "Impact of Work Culture and Motivation on Productivity" funded by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. He is a member of Allahabad Management Association, Allahabad.

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Bibliographic information

Title Managerial Rainbow
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Kitab Mahal
Language: English
isbn 8122503810
length xxiv+391p., Figures; Tables; References; 23cm.