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Across the Himalayas: Men, Mountains and Myths

Swami Brahmananda (Author)
Synopsis In the materials brought together in this publication, the reader is taken on a grand guided tour of the Himalayas, beginning with the foothills of the Shivalilks where he discovers monasteries and shrines including one of the more famous ones at Vaishno Devi. He is then taken across into Nepal from where he can view the great Everest and the marvellous people who live and worked under its protection. The mysticism adventure continues as he reaches Tibet, the roof of the world and experiences its rich history, culture and spiritual aspirations. Then, it is only a few days away into the closer reaches of Central Asia about which accounts have been written of confrontations and conciliation between man and mountains. The book will be of immense interest to everyone who has had even the remotest experience of the magic of the mountains.
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Bibliographic information

Title Across the Himalayas: Men, Mountains and Myths
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8178880903
length viii+374p., Illustrations; Maps; 22cm.