Dancing with the Void: The Innerstandings of a Rare-born Mystic
Dancing with the Void is the story of an unconventional man whose existence was “mind-free, ego-free, form-free, effort-free, time-free and age-free.†In his own joyful prose, Sunyata chronicles his life-journey from contemplative farm boy and gardener, Emmanuel Sorensen, to humble Himalayan cave dweller, “Mr. Nobodyâ€. A lover of silence and solitude, Sunyata remained untouched by the common worldly conditioning that entraps so many. His fateful journeys, inspiring friendships, and the spiritual journeys, inspiring friendships, and the spiritual wisdom shared in these collected writings, all reflect the soul of an authentic seer. Sunyata, all through his simple and natural life in the world, danced blissfully in the Void, the Nothingness, the Silence in the invisible Real. Out of the Void, the fullness of the universe has paradoxically evolved. Empty of all personalities and all forms, the Void is paradoxically the root of all personalities and all forms. There is no movement or change in it, yet it contains the endless possibility of all movements and all changes. From Void arises everything, from Silence come all sounds, from unconsciousness emanates consciousness, from intangibility arise all tangible things. Sunyata’s experiences and musings are ever relevant, for they concern something that is of value of all – the illumination and liberation of the human spirit.
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