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Islam and the Mughal State

Salma Ahmed Farooqui (Author)
Synopsis The book focuses on an important aspect of medieval Indian history that has current relevance. Islam has acquired a popular dimension in the present times and has been a subject of contemporary debate, for more reasons than one. A fair amount of Islamic political culture was prevalent in medieval India that articulated itself in the dynamics of the time. In any process of state formation, religion plays a very important role. The Mughal empire itself, however, was a purely Indian historical experience. Mughal culture blended Perso-Islamic and regional Indian elements into a distinct whole. The study of the interaction between the two elements, religion and state, involves an attempt to understand the significance and dynamics of such a relationship that is almost purely mutual.
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About the author

Salma Ahmed Farooqui

Salma Ahmed Farooqui (b. 1968), PhD. is a post-doctoral scholar in history and has specialized in the field of medieval Indian history. At present, she is a Faculty Member at the Department of History, ICFAI University, Hyderabad. She has carried out extensive reseaerch on the Mughals and the Qutb Shahis. being a social science scholar, she has a clear idea of how cultures and civilizations in the past have evolved and perished, the way in which societies moving in new directions have been able to sustain by changing their course rather than become extinct. Her interest lies inthe realm of Oriental history in which she plans to pursue active research and learn more about the East-West contacts. She has been visiting countries in Europe and Far East, which have a rich history and culture, enabling her to understand the socio-politico and religious dynamics with which she deals.

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Bibliographic information

Title Islam and the Mughal State
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Sundeep Prakashan
Language: English
isbn 8175741589
length xiii+185p., Figures; Tables; Notes; References; Appendices; Glossary; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.