Perspectives on Indian National Movement: Selected Correspondence of Lala Lajpat Rai
To understand the history of a country the letters of prominent leaders are very essential. They speak about his nature, character, temperament and strength. Historians, authors and journalists turn to letters for authentic, intimate and revealing material. Perhaps Lala Lajpat Rai was the only Indian leader in the first quarter of the twentieth century who developed intimacy with prominent personalities of many countries--U.S.A., Britain, Canada, Japan etc. He apprised them with socio-economic and political problems of India through his correspondence. The present volume contains 335 letters and cover a span of nearly a quarter of a century, i.e. 1905-1928. This was a period when the nation, led by a galaxy of distinguished leaders were passing through a crucial period. The Indian nationalism took rapid strides during this period. Since Lajpat Rai played an active role in these years, a collection of his correspondence amounts to a record of sorts during the freedom movement itself. The correspondence in the volume is not only of great historical interest but it also provides us with vivid insight into Lajpat Rai's multifaceted personality. He was undoubtedly an indefatigable letter writer. His letters are a mine of information and depicts his personality, thoughts, feelings, opinions, and outlook. Besides others, the correspondence sheds ample light on the working of C.W.C., A.I.C.C., annual sessions of the Congress, moderates and extremists schools, Surat split, Punjab politics, communal problems, Arya Samaj, Home Rule Movement, Non cooperation Movement, Swaraj Party, Congress Independent Party, role of Indian leaders in the Central Legislative Assembly, labour movement, peasant problems, non official attitudes of foreigners towards Indian Nationalism, Nehru Committee report and its publicity, all parties conference, working of the Hindu Mahasabha and its leaders, Simon Commission, similarities and contrasts between provincial and national leaders, etc.
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