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Ecotourism and Livelihoods: Capaity Building for Local Authorities

A.K. Bhattacharya (Author)
Synopsis Tourism is the most rapidly growing and biggest civilian industry in the world and ecotourism forms the largest proportion of the present tourism. Since ecotourism involves maximum number of stakeholders, from local communities to the corporate world, proper capacity building of the major stakeholders for effective planning and management of ecotourism has become a prerequisite for the sustainable ecotourism development. This book attempts to fill in this gap. The book addresses the key issues concerning ecotourism management, with special focus on community participation. It deals with a range of topics including the basic concepts, forms, potential assessment, planning and case studies of ecotourism, viz. carrying capacity, community participation and auditing. The book will be useful for practitioners, researchers and other stakeholders in planning and implementation of ecotourism.
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About the author

A.K. Bhattacharya

A.K. Bhattacharya is an Indian Forest Service officer of 1983 batch from Madhya Pradesh cadre. He is presently an Associate Professor and Conservator of Forests in Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. Dr. Bhattacharya is Post Doctoral in Environmental Sciences and has contributed a large number of articles in national and international journals on a range of topics related to forestry and environment. Also, he has to his credit a book on 'Kandhar Plane Hijack', based on his own experience as a hostage. His main contrbitutions to the field of eco-tourism include organising capacity building workshops and training courses for the local authorities of various concerned departments, communities and NGOs, extending professional support to the State Government for promotion of eco-tourism, supervising research works on eco-tourism related topics, and preparing Eco-tourism Management Plans for few protected areas.

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Bibliographic information

Title Ecotourism and Livelihoods: Capaity Building for Local Authorities
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8180691748
length xiv+200p., Figures; Tables; References; Index; 22cm.
Subjects Travel & Tourism