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A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary

Arthur Anthony MacDonell (Author)
Synopsis The aim of the present work is to satisfy, within the compass of a comparatively handy volume, all the practical wants not only of learners of Sanskrit, but also of scholars for purposes of ordinary reading. It is, in the first place, much more copious than other lexicons for Sanskrit students. Excluding all words and meanings that occur in native lexicographers, but are not to be found in actual literature, this lexicon contains nearly double as much material as other Sanskrit works of the same character. This book is, moreover, the only one of its kind that is transliterated. It can thus be used, for example, by comparative philologists not knowing a single letter of the Devanagari alphabet. This is, further, the only similar Sanskrit dictionary that is etymological in any sense, for it gives a derivative analysis of all the words it contains. This feature increases both its usefulness from a linguistic point of view and its practical value to the student, who will always better remember the meaning of a word, the derivation of which is made clear to him. Lastly, this is the only lexicon of its type that indicates, not only with respect to words, but also to their meanings, the literary period to which they belong and the frequency or rarity of their occurrence.
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About the author

Arthur Anthony MacDonell

Arthur A. Macdonell's services to the study and research of Sanskrit literature are too well-known to need any introduction and too vast and varied to be covered in brief. From writing a Sanskrit Grammar to preparing a Vedic Index, he has indebted the students and scholars of Sanskrit alike, in many ways. Macdonell was educated at the University of Gottingen, Universities of Leipzig and Tubingen, and Oxford University. He was Boden Professor of Sanskrit and Keeper of the Indian Institute, Oxford. He was elected Fellow of royal Danish Academy; Fellow of the British Academy, Vice-President of Council of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. His published works include: Sarvanukramani of the Rigveda (1996); A Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1892); A History of Sanskrit Literature (1900); Brihaddevata (1904); Vedic Grammar (1910); Vedic Index of Names and Subjects (1912); A Vedic Grammar for Students (1916); A Vedic Reader for Students (1917).

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Bibliographic information

Title A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8120820002
length xiv+382p.