Cataloguing: Theory & Practice
Most Likely, this revision of Cataloguing Theory and Practice 6th Edition by Professor C.G. Viswanathan has the distinction of commanding continued use since 1954, both in India and abroad . Besides providing a comprehensive and balanced perspective of library catalogues from Collimates to AACR-2 1988 revision, enabling students and the faculty of library and information science at universities, and practicing cataloguers towards rationalization, the work projects an analysis of pros and cons of continuing the cataloguing procedures and techniques and maintaining it in the traditional form of cards filed in cabinet or to adopt the MARC techniques,and computerise it online with the advanced countries of the West. The impact of computerisation on the users, library staff and library administration with regard to its cost effectiveness has been discussed. Two new chapters. Computerised Catalogue (chapter-8) and Headings for Name Entries (Chapter-26) according to AACR2, 1988 revision has been added. The data and been brought to date. A brief account of the British Library's Cataloguing Conversion Project of the British Museum's General Catalogue to Machine Readable From presents an exciting experience. The Library of Congress MARC System has also been given due consideration. The select working bibliography of a cataloguer has also been revised. he order of the chapters has been, as in previous editions, retained. It is expected that the sixth edition of Cataloguing Theory and Practice' would command the same respect of the author's colleagues, as justify its value as an unfailing companion in all cataloguing assignments.
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