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Wavelets: Theory Applications Implementation

M.V. Altaisky (Author)
Synopsis Wavelet analysis has been at the center stage of applied mathematics over the last two decades. It is the preferable alternative to Fourier analysis in signal processing when the signals are random and comprised of fluctuations of different scales. The beauty of wavelets reveals itself when applied to fractals or self-similar objects. This book aims at presenting a deductive scheme to show where and when the scale invariance of Nature meets the representations of the affine group. It includes standard trends in wavelet analysis and discrete wavelet transform, some results obtained by the author in collaboration with different people in data processing, and a number of C++ programs which can be used by physicists, economists or biologists for the analysis of the time series. The general mathematical and physical ideas of wavelets are presented without sinking into details of elaborate numeric schemes; at the same time it enables the reader to solve wavelet-related problems on the computer. The book also contains some new solve wavelet-related problems on the computer. The book also contains some new ideas developed by the author for non-standard applications of wavelets in quantum mechanics, quantum field theory and biology.
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About the author

M.V. Altaisky

Mikhail V. Altaisky, Senior Reseaercher at the Space Research Institute RAS (Moscow, Russia) and the Department of Radiation and Radiobiiological Research of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia), has more than 10 years experience in application of wavelets to various problems of theoretical physics, biology, medicine, financial analysis and data processing. Since 1995 he has been a visiting professor of the B.M. Birla Science Centre in Hyderabad. He obtained his master's degree in Theoretical Physics with specialization in Theoretical Nuclear Physics from the Kharkov State University (Ukraine) in 1987, and his Ph.D. in 1992 from the laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nucleaer Research. He has authored about 60 papers related to the applications of information theory methods and functional analysis to chaos and fractals, turbulence theory, physical description of biological systems, industrial applications of fractal structures, wavelet analysis, signal and image processing, quantum field theory, quantum computing and biocomputing.

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Bibliographic information

Title Wavelets: Theory Applications Implementation
Author M.V. Altaisky
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8173715033
length vii+155p., Figures; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.