Dictionary of Pali Proper Names (In 2 Volumes)
The present work Dictionary of Pali Proper Names is a magnum opus of Malalasekera, in two volumes. It is a dedicated work of meticulous scholarship which can be seen from the extensive references from the Pali canonical and non-canonical literature and the vast number of entries on the proper names. The work includes, besides other materials, information obtained from the whole of the Timitaka and all the commentaries thereon. Among non-canonical works, it includes, besides the Milindapanha, the Mahavamsa, Dipavamsa, Mahabodhivamsa, Sasanavamsa, Gandhavamsa, and the Sasanavamsadipa. The author has included Culavamsa, chiefly in order to complete the information contained in the Mahavamsa, and the Mahavamsa Tika, because it contains valuable data regarding names occurring in the Mahavamsa. Some references are given in the main body of the dictionary, while others are given in the Appendix, at the end of the second volume. Names of all Suttas, and Jatakas and Pali works of any literary importance written in India, Burma, Ceylon, Prior to about 1700 A.C. are also given.
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