Dynamics of Dalits: Old Issues and New Challenges
Dalits are those ill-treated, humiliated, and discarded people who mainly belong to lowest rung of Hindu caste system. They have been discriminated in all walks of life for centuries and were compelled to lead an animal-like life. Variously known as untouchables, Harijans and Scheduled Castes, they remain victims of all sorts. They were assigned menial works like shoemaking, scavenging and all dirty jobs etc. the present book contains well-researched material on Dynamics of Dalits, and vital issues pertaining to them. The source being all secondary, entire information is gathered under thirteen chapters e.g. Dalits and Dalit movements, problems of untouchables; Dalits and economic policy; sociological analysis of Dalit movements; process of Dalitisation; Harijan Sevak Sangh; Satyashodhak Samaj; Social justice; Gandhian view on untouchables; impact of new economic policy; case study of rural Dalit masses; higher education etc. Supported by the facts and findings derived from various authoritative sources, e.g. books, journals, official documents and individual researches of different scholars, this book will prove informative and useful for scholars and laymen alike.
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