Bernard Shaw's Plays: Drama of Search for Reality
The present study aims at reading Bernard Shaw as a nationalist, attempting to extricate the rational from the irrational or romantic, though the latter is the spring of all that happens in the world--the affinities of love, the thrills of beauty, and the ecstasies of mystical religious experience. Nevertheless, all the activities that spring from our life force, i.e. our instincts and impulses are infected with pain and frustration and discomfort, but we are not cut off from final and complete redemption. Shaw in his plays awakens mankind to realize our salvation lies in sanity; the sooner we become rational the better it is. However, Shaw is not an unrestrained optimist, he feels that the way to wisdom lies through sufferings, for it comes through no mystical denial of the will to live, but by accepting our share of sufferings.
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