School Education in India: Position and Placement Prospects of Teachers, 1999-2011
The book focuses on the probable demand and outturn of teachers in India at school state. An attempt has been made by the authors to estimate the requirement of teachers in school and their outturn from the teachers training institutes and the educational colleges. This exercise has been done for all levels i.e., primary, middle, high and higher secondary for India and various states. The various scenarios are drawn assuming the employment rates as 70, 80, 90 and 100 per cent. It has been noted through this analysis that there exist a gap between the requirement and availability of teachers. The requirement seems to be on the higher side and it increases as the enrolment rate is enhanced upward. Secondly, the book highlights the existence of untrained teachers in different states. The percentage of untrained teachers varies among the states. A training plan has also been made in this book to give some idea of expenditure in order to train the untrained teachers.
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N.J. Waghmare