Key Issues in Teacher Education: Teachers for Secondary Schools
The quality of education defends to a great extent on the quality of teachers. Teachers are human beings and they have their own problems. Salaried workers are those who receive a fixed amount per week or per month. Professional workers are paid a salary. Professional employees as a rule, are not paid extra if they work more hours than the standard amount even if this extra labour involves time put in on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays, the theory being that professional employees are paid to perform the duties of a given job and that they will perform the required services without regard to the time element or other factors. Generally, there is no reduction in their salaries for a reasonable amount of absence because of personal illness, sickness in the immediate family, personal business, or funerals. Teachers are salaried, professional workers. Universally they receive an annual salary paid on a monthly, semimonthly, or weekly basis. Until relatively recent rimes, though, they were often not paid if they were absent from school for even such an unavoidable cause as personal illness. In addition to sick leave provisions some other types of leaves, such as absence for personal business, sabbatical leave, and vacations will also be described.
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