Women and Development (In 2 Volumes)
Demographically, women constitute near half of total population. Despite that they are maltreated and are considered weaker sex. They face wide discrimination on almost all walks of life. According to an estimate, globally some 7 lakh women get trafficked each year within or across international borders. The cause for concern is that a large majority of them are compelled into international sex trade, often by force, fraud or coercion. Various studies indicate that traffickers primarily target women and girls, who are disproportionately affected by poverty and lack access to education. Chronic unemployment, discrimination, and the lack of economic opportunities in countries of origin is often a blessing in disguise for traffickers who lure women and girls into their networks through false promises of decent working conditions at relatively good pay as maids, dancers, factory/workers, sales clerks, models, etc. This work, in two volumes, gives an authoritative account of women and vital issues pertaining to their development.
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