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India's Development Agenda (In 2 Volumes)

B.K. Prasad (Author)
Synopsis The multi-faceted approach of development planning has added effectively towards eradication of the traditional socio-historical roots of mass poverty and of chronic hunger from various angles. In countries still under the process of development like in India, planning in the past has been interwoven with the enliftment of regional economy. Planners tended to forget the social and environmental aspects, which go hand in hand with all kinds of planning. The consequent deterioration of ecosystem and environmental conditions has led to a total chaos in the whole structure of production and consumption. This is evidenced by droughts and starvation pervading the once affluent areas of African continent. This encyclopaedic work is a veritable mine of information, which provides a seasoned analytical explanation of India's development agenda in pros and cons. Certainly, the present work will be of immense importance to all concerned.
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Bibliographic information

Title India's Development Agenda (In 2 Volumes)
Author B.K. Prasad
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126120959
length viii+334p.; viii+335-698p., Tables; Figures; Appendices; Plates; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.