Human Development in India: Analysis, Measurement and Financing
The concept of human development is noted to be amongst the most influential ideas that have shaped development thinking in recent times. Experience shows that often, there is not direct correspondence between economic growth, and the quality of life, regions, and nations into high levels of growth need not necessarily have similar social achievements. This calls for strengthening the link that evolves development strategies, and social development. Probably the link is human development which not only brings together the production and distribution of commodities, but also expansions and use of human capabilities. It is considered to be people centered strategy, and not goods centered or production centered strategy of development. The present book analyses the state of human development activities in India, enumerating indicators reflecting it. It investigates into the pattern of financing human development expenditure in India. In addition to analyzing human development index and investigating into range variations highlighting the variability in various components, it provides the database of outcomes which would assist further efforts in analyzing human development activities. The book is expected to be useful to student and researchers interested in a study of human development.
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Gopal Ji