Cooperative Capitalism: A Blueprint for Global Peace and Prosperity
Democratic-cooperative-capitalism in place of residual-feudal exclusive property rights increases economic efficiency equal to the invention of money, the printing press and electricity and power brokers know this and used it to restore the war-shattered Germany and Japan. The Asian tigers used it and now China is copying that development plan. Instead of utilizing their knowledge to eliminate poverty, wealthy power brokers chose (through the IMF/World Bank/GATT/NAFTA/WTO/MAI/GATS/FTAA/military colossus) to impose residual-feudal exclusive property rights, the heart of their system of theft, worldwide. All wealth is processed from resources so why are resource-rich countries poor and resource-poor countries rich? The answer: plunder-by trade as learned in the city states of Europe a millennium ago. The secret: first establish exclusive property rights (monopolies) through raiding parties destroying the primitive industries of the countryside. The countryside then had to sell their resources to the city to the processed into products to be sold within the city and back out to the countryside. The military of today's imperial-centers-of-capital is for the same purpose as those raiding parties 800 years ago, enforcing plunder-by-trade. A modern commons in land, technology, and money (nature's wealth properly belonging to all) under democratic-cooperative-capitalism eliminates residual-feudal exclusive property rights even as it expands and ensures use-rights, individualism, competition and personal property rights. Forty billion dollars a year will provided clean water and sanitation, maternity and child care, basic health, nutrition and education for all while the money spent on arms annually is $800 billion. The wealth destroyed by war is greater yet and capital destroying capital is the greatest waste of all.
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