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India and Pakistan: A General and Regional Geography

A.T.A. Learmonth (Author) O.H.K. Spate (Author)
Synopsis The first edition of this book was quickly recognized as the standard work on Indo-Pakistani geography. It was translated into Russian and won awards from the Societe de Geographie of Paris and the National Geographical Society of India. This new edition, prepared with the collaboration of Professor A.T.A. Learmonth, has been completely revised to take into account the great changes of the last decade and the ever-increasing volume of literature in a wide variety of fields. A number of new maps have also been added. In part I, The Land, climate and soils receive a completely new treatment Part II, The People, provides a synopsis of the social complexities of the sub-continent, in so far as these are relevant to geographical understanding; the chapter on population includes new material on the medical geography. In part III, The Economy, there has been some re-arrangement to give separate treatment to Pakistan in one of the entirely new chapters on planning and developmental problems. Half the book is devoted to detailed regional description (Part IV, The Face of the Land); and special attention is given to the fascinating settlement geography, both urban and rural. While no work on such a subject can claim to be perfectly up-to-date, the present edition offers a geographical conspectus of the life and problems of India, Pakistan and Ceylon in the 1960)'s.
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Bibliographic information

Title India and Pakistan: A General and Regional Geography
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1994
Edition 3rd Revised ed.
Language: English
length 990p., Tables; Maps; Plates.