Open Secrets: India's Intelligence Unveiled
Open Secrets-India’s Intelligence Unveiled- is the story of an intelligence operator, who devoted nearly 30 years in the country’s prime intelligence agency, through memorable events, which often shaped the contours of Indian polity, made valuable additions to the internal, external policies of the nation and its security ambience in the neighbouring countries and the geopolitical sphere. The book brings out, through narration of events and analysis of perspectives, the deplorable stories of blatant and brutal misuse of the Indian intelligence, security and investigative agencies by the ruling establishment. The operatives and officials are emasculated by politically tinged and often personalized demands of the politicians. Intelligence agencies are often forced to serve the narrow interests of the ruling political parties and ensure survival of the leaders, who equate the existence of the nation with their continuity in power. The narratives have candidly unlocked certain well-guarded vaults with the avid intention of appealing to the discerning readers, scholars and opinion makers to bring pressure on the ‘System’ for devising constitutional and legal tools to bestow more functional independence and to provide more teeth and armour to the intelligence, security and investigative agencies, both at the Union and in the States. At the same time it is essential to initiate measures to make these agencies accountable to the supreme constitutional institutions of India, for safeguarding democracy and upholding freedom and liberty.
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