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Indian Regional Journalism

P K Ravindranath (Author)
Synopsis What were the historical circumstances that shaped the growth of the press in Bengal and in Marathi? A German and a Gujarati Laid the foundations of the press in Kerala. When did Indian language newspapers overtake English papers in circulation and readership? More than a history of the growth of the Indian languages press, Regional Journalism probes lesser known aspects of Indian journalism. With its feet firmly on the ground, Indian papers have, by and large, been true to the highest ethics and principles of journalism. Written by a journalist who has worked for both English papers and for Indian language newspapers, P K Ravindranath is able to view the situation from both sides. This book conforms to the syllabus for Mumbai University's B.M.M. Course.
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About the author

P K Ravindranath

P.K. Ravindranath has been a journalist for five decades, based in Mumbai. He has been associated with several prominent newspapers and journals, in India and abroad. He is a keen observer of the political scene in India and writes prfusely about current affaris for several publications. He has written several books. He has been Press Adviser to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra and has been Director (Publications), Nehru Centre, Mumbai. He lectures on journalism in four prominent colleges in Mumbai.

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Bibliographic information

Title Indian Regional Journalism
Format Hardcover
Date published: 23.10.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Authors Press
Language: English
isbn 8172731981, 9788172731981
length viii+154p., Index; 22cm.