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Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing

Vasant Lad (Author) Usha Lad (Author)
Synopsis Here is an authentic guide of the Ayurvedic approach to food and tasty vegetarian cooking. The recipes are formulated using herbs and spices to help balance the constitution of each person. The effects of the foods on individual constitution are included with every recipe together with the medicinal properties of many of the foods. Included in this book are chapters on: The principles of Ayurveda and individual constitution; Maintaining one's health, digestion and constitutional balance; The importance of proper food combining for optimal well-being; Setting up an Ayurvedic kitchen and planning menus inclusive of every member of your family; More than 100 recipes of delicious Ayurvedic cuisine, and these important sections for even more benefits from Ayurveda: Nearly 300 simple remedies for everything from the common cold and skin problems to stabilizing blood sugar in diabetics, all using familiar household herbs, fruits and vegetables! A chart for determining your individual constitution; Comprehensive food guidelines for basic constitutional types; A listing of the qualities of food and their effects on the doshas.
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About the author

Vasant Lad

Dr. Vasant Lad, a native of India, has been a practitioner and Professor of Ayurvedic Medicine for more than 15 years. For the past four years he has been conducing the only full-time program of study on Ayurveda in the United States as Director of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. Lad has lectured extensively throughout the U.S. and has published numerous articles on ayurveda. He has also authored Ayurvedic : the Science of Self-Healing.

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Bibliographic information

Title Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2010
Edition Reprint.
Language: English
isbn 9788120820234
length 254p., Figures; Tables; Appendices; Glossary; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.