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The Doctrine of the Buddha

George Grimm (Author)
Synopsis The present edition, revised and enlarged by the author himself, presents the old genuine Buddha doctrine with the aim of developing a new type of man, free from prejudices and intent on working out his own future with his self as the light. It represents not only the flower of Indian religious feeling and philosophy but also the crowning summit of religious introspection in general. The book deals with Truth as the theme and basis of the doctrine of the Buddha. It explains (i) Truth, Criterion, World and subject of suffering, (2) Truth of the arising of suffering, (3) Truth of the annihilation of suffering, (4) Truth of the path leading to the annihilation of suffering. The author presents the highest knowledge, the supreme reality to which Buddha is awakened, in so cogent a form, free from mythological and mythical clothing that it becomes positively self-evident to the reader. The study is prefixed with an Introduction and Appendix  as important as the text itself. Introduction answers the queries who was the Buddha? What is a Buddha? and depicts the method of handing down the Marvel. The Appendix deals with the Doctrine, the Metaphysics of the Buddha, Right cognition etc. There are four indexes: (1) Index of Quotations from the Pali texts, (2) General Index, (3) Index of proper names (4) Pali and Sanskrit Index. An exhaustive Bibliography supplies the gap in our knowledge of Buddhist literature.
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About the author

George Grimm

George Grimm (25th February, 1868 - 26th August, 1945) had first studied theology; then he devoted himself to jurisprudence and officiated as judge in Bavaria.  His profound knowledge of the works of the German philosopher A. Schopenhauer (1788-1860) attracted his attention to the ancient Indian thought.  The translations from the Pali Canon by the Indologist K.E. Neumann (1865-1915) aroused his interest in the Buddha's Teaching.  For years Grimm and Neumann were closely connected through a vast correspondence.  From 1908 on Grimm devoted himself to an intense study of Sanskrit and Pali.  Paul Deussen (1845-1919), who paved the way for the knowledge of Indian philosophy in Germany, became his friend.  To such an extent his Buddhist attitude influenced even on his official activities that he was called "Bavaria's most benevolent judge".  From 1920 on he lived in concentrated seclusion, in the course of which he created his great work on behalf of the Dhamma.  Together with the Indologist K. Seidenstucker (1876-1936) he founded the "Old Buddhist Community" in 1921.  He was a man of complete integrity whose prominent traits of character were his great veracity and his friendliness towards all living beings.  He encouraged his friends and inspired them with his own enthusiasm for the Buddha's Teaching.  More and more came to the force George Grimm's strong tendency to meditative introspection, an inner attitude that illuminated his writings and his practical realization of the Dhamma.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Doctrine of the Buddha
Author George Grimm
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1999
Edition Reprint
Language: English
isbn 8120811941
length vi+413p., Appendix; Bibliography; Notes; Index; 25cm.