Business Management: The Gita Way
A lot of changes have taken place in the world. Human perception is changing. New avenues are opening up. The agricultural civilization ruled the world for a long time. Then came the industrial culture. And now the post-industrial era. But what about the human face? Production, growth, business, profitability… for whom? Ultimately all these are for mankind. Change is a must. An it is inevitable. But is there nothing permanent? Only transition, and no foundation? The problem is that we lack a strong foundation. And this ‘we’ does not mean only Indians, but the whole world. We have to question many of our theories, business management needs to be re-defined. This book will show you the changes required, based on a strong foundation. Instead of quoting shlokas and giving their detailed meanings, Business Management: the Gita Way concentrates on the implementation of these teachings. For example, the Gita says: Yagnarthat Karmanah (work is to be done in the spirit of yagna) and Parasparam Bhavayantah (yagna is nurturing each other). A Chapter is also devoted to The Gita & Business Growth. All the chapters are adopted from the lectures delivered the author.
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