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North-East India: The Human Interface

Manis Kumar Raha (Editor) Aloke Kumar Ghosh (Editor)
Synopsis The North-East India, India’s north-eastern part, which is constituted seven states, namely, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura, is popularly known as Seven Sisters. In this region a large number of ethnic groups with varied ethnicity and genetic make up live. They have different types of settlements, different livelihood patterns, different social structures, life-cycle patterns, different systems of social control, different religions and ethnics. Through this book we have tried to show past and present life-style of the people of this region. Twenty-three articles of this book have highlighted creation myth, constitutional provisions, Pandit Nehru’s policy, prehistory, environmental issues, biogenetical make up, and cultural pattern of the people of North-East India. This is possibly the only book on north-East India that has incorporated articles with such varied themes, and renowned and highly experienced scholars and academicians have contributed their thought-provoking articles on different aspects of the people of north-eastern part of India. Here lies the importance of this book. Not only the scholars and academicians but also the planners, administrators and general readers will find this book very interesting, important and useful.
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About the authors

Manis Kumar Raha

Dr. Manis Kumar Raha graduated from the University of Calcutta in 1956 and passed Special Honours in Anthropology in 1958. He obtained his M.Sc. (1960) and Ph.D. Degrees (1971) in Anghropology from this University. He served the Cultural Research Institute, Government of West Bengal 1962-70 before joining Anthropological Survey of India in 1970 as an Anghropologist (Cultural). After serving this pioneering organization of anthropological research in different capacities, he retired as the Joint Director in 1995. Dr. Raha has written / edited sixteen books, over ninety research papers and over forty book reviews. He is attached to different research and other organizations in different capacities. He is the editor of the Journal of Human and Environmental Sciences, Managing Editor of Man and Life. Associate Editor, Journal of Indian Anthropological Society, Member, Editorial Board, Culture and Psychology. Dr. Raha has been elected as the President, Anthrolopogy and Archaeology Section of 83rd Indian Science Congress (1995-96)

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Aloke Kumar Ghosh

Prof. aloke Kumar Ghosh (b. 1938) received his Ph.D. (1969) degree from Calcutta University. He served different institutions and organisations in India and abroad like Anthropological Survey of India (Calcutta), National Institute of Family Planning (New Delhi) and John Curtin School of Medical Research under Australian National University (Canberra). At present he is working as a Professor of Anthropology, North-Easther Hill University (Shillong). Prof. Ghosh has jointly edited a book, Extending Horizons of Physical Anthropology.

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Bibliographic information

Title North-East India: The Human Interface
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1998
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8121205735
length 469p., Tables; References; Index; 23cm.